ContentGrid aims to deliver value-based pricing, with 3 Very Important Capabilities our customers need from ContentGrid:
1. Safe storage of content, in encrypted form, with a 99.9999999999 % durability. That includes the durability that AWS S3 or similar storage provides, but our commitment goes further. ContentGrid guarantees at that durability that the link between meta-data and content is never lost and that the content is unaltered for its legal duration.
2. Guaranteed performance & delivery of ingestion. We guarantee that all content ingested into ContentGrid is actually retained, audited, and an ingestion speed of 50 to 500 logical documents per seconds is ensured.
3. Guaranteed search and retrieval performance. ContentGrid delivers 95 % of all queries within 2 seconds, and 99% of all queries within 3 seconds, regardless of the volume managed and the volume ingested.
Price per year:
(1TB included)