Features and benefits

ContentGrid isn't just another ECM software; it's a revolution in content management. Engineered with the modern business in mind, it seamlessly integrates with your existing infrastructure, providing an array of features that promise not only functionality but also unmatched efficiency. This page delves deep into the heart of ContentGrid, highlighting the key features and benefits that set it apart in a crowded marketplace.

Meta Model Driven

In today's dynamic business environment, flexibility and efficiency are key. Enter Model Driven ECM – a transformative approach to content management. Model Driven ECM utilizes business models to shape its design and functionality.


In today's dynamic business environment, flexibility and efficiency are key. Enter Model Driven ECM – a transformative approach to content management. Instead of starting from scratch, Model Driven ECM utilizes predefined models to shape its design and functionality. These models, representing content structures, processes, and rules, ensure that the system knows exactly how to manage, route, and store content right from the get-go.

Scales Seamlessly

Reliability and adaptability define our system. Crafted with precision, it's designed not just for today's demands, but also tomorrow's aspirations. As your business grows and evolves, our system seamlessly scales alongside, ensuring that you're always ahead of the curve.


With ContentGrid, volume is never a barrier; it's an advantage. Store millions of documents, and still experience unwavering performance. As your content collection grows, the cost per document diminishes, making scalability not only feasible but also economically rewarding.

AI First

Designed for seamless integration with cutting-edge artificial intelligence, our platform offers more than just content management. Dive into smart categorization, predictive analytics, and efficient decision-making.


Our platform seamlessly auto-classifies and extracts vital information, streamlining your content organization. Coupled with enhanced search capabilities, finding precisely what you need becomes intuitive and instantaneous.

Bring your own cloud

The ContentGrid is designed to harmonize with your preferred cloud environment. Whether you opt for AWS, Azure, or a specialized EU cloud, ContentGrid seamlessly integrates, ensuring that your cloud journey aligns with your specific needs and preferences.


Migrating your content, planning an exit strategy, or implementing any other content-related maneuver becomes seamless and efficient. Our commitment is to eliminate vendor lock-in, ensuring that you have the flexibility and autonomy to manage your content as you see fit.

Protects By Policy

Leveraging the power of Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), we offer finely-tuned and centralized access rules, ensuring that content is accessible only to the right individuals based on specific conditions and attributes. Access is  granted based on who you are, what you need, and the context of the request.


Contentgrid simplifies security, eliminating the complexities of folder-based permissions. Instead, our system champions straightforward and robust security rules, ensuring your content is safeguarded without the usual headaches. Enjoy the simplicity of Attribute and Policy Based Access control.

No Vendor Lock-In

The generated content applications are open source and offer full freedom to operate under the Apache License. The customer is free to share the sources with any party. The console software is placed under escrow. In case the company running the service would default, the code is available.

ContentGrid training days are organised to ensure ongoing expertise with the customers and partners.

Beyond Content Chaos: Achieve Clarity with Entity-Based Models

Tired of outdated content management systems causing chaos? Discover how ContentGrid's innovative entity-based approach can transform your content management. Download our eBook to learn how to organize, automate, and optimize your processes with cutting-edge AI and intuitive scalability. Streamline your workflow and enhance security, compliance, and user experience today.

Discover How it works

ContentGrid aims to streamline content management by replacing files and folders with a business information model. It facilitates the creation of business-specific content applications, including AI-based automations like classification and data extraction. These applications can be deployed on various cloud platforms. The ContentGrid runtime ensures secure access, storage, and scalability of these applications. Maintenance is simplified, with technical aspects managed by the cloud platform and functional aspects adaptable to changing business requirements. ContentGrid utilizes open-source technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes, Spring, PostgreSQL, and S3.